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Vail Town Council to weigh Stewardship Roadmap

April 17, 2023, 11:07 am

The Town of Vail recently issued the following press release on the Vail Town Council considering adoption of Vail’s Stewardship Roadmap:

town of vail logo

The Vail Town Council will consider adoption of Vail’s Stewardship Roadmap at its regular evening meeting on April 18. The item is listed as 6.1 on the meeting agenda, which begins at 6 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers, 75. S. Frontage Rd. in Vail.  

Public comment will be accepted in person or virtually by registering at www.vailgov.com/town-council, or in advance of the meeting by emailing publicinput.vailtowncouncil@vailgov.com. A live stream of the meeting will be available at www.highfivemedia.org/live-five and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TownofVail.       

Based on extensive engagement with the Vail community, town council input and high-level town priorities, Vail’s Stewardship Roadmap focuses specifically on steps the town can take over the next 10 years to ensure that Vail’s tourism economy continues to thrive. The roadmap also introduces the concept of “Community-Positive Tourism,” which recognizes that for tourism to thrive, the community and its natural environment must thrive too.  

Next steps will include work by Town of Vail department heads to determine the time and resources needed for each of the actions and strategies to be executed over the next 10 years. Once the implementation timeline and corresponding budgets are determined, they will be brought back to the council for consideration. Additionally, Vail’s Stewardship Roadmap is intended to complement other Vail plans aimed at enhancing the community and to lay the groundwork for a broader, long-term community visioning plan. 

Background on the year-plus process and supporting documentation are available at www.engagevail.com/stewardship.  

Click here for more information

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