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Sheriff implements Stage 1 fire restrictions in Eagle County

October 4, 2019, 2:14 pm

Due to the less favorable weather conditions and moisture, Eagle County will be implementing “Stage 1” fire restrictions that will take effect on Saturday morning, October 5, 2019, at 06:00 a.m.  

Fire managers base decisions about fire restrictions on specific moisture measurements in vegetation and other risk factors such as predicted weather, available resources and amount of current fire activity.

The restrictions that will be implemented and remain in place until further notice are:

•    Campfires are only allowed within designated fire grates in developed campgrounds (i.e., a metal, in-ground containment structure — fire pans and rock campfire rings are not acceptable).

•    No fires of any type, including charcoal, outside of developed areas.

•    No smoking except within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site or in a barren area free of vegetation.

•    No use of explosive materials, including explosive targets.

•    No welding or operation of an acetylene or other similar torches with an open flame, or any other spark-producing device, except within an area that has been cleared of vegetation.

•    No operation of any internal combustion engine without a spark arresting device properly installed and in working order.

Fireworks are always prohibited on BLM, National Forest, and National Park Service lands.

The Stage 1 Fire restrictions will remain in place throughout Eagle County until further notice. Check with your local municipality for specific restrictions.

Going into the weekend following Red Flag Warnings this week, and with hunting season upon us, the Eagle County Sheriff’s Office would like to encourage everyone to have fun while recreating outdoors, keep safety in mind and to encourage residents and visitors to take personal responsibility and prepare before a wildland fire occurs. 

Click HERE for more information about fire restrictions in Eagle County and to view an interactive map. 

Click HERE for fire information across the state of Colorado.