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Vail town manager issues order postponing zoning meetings to ensure public participation

April 16, 2020, 7:59 am

An executive order was signed Wednesday, April 15 by Vail Town Manager Scott Robson that allows for the postponement of any quasi-judicial hearing before the Vail Town Council if the Town Manager determines that the public hearing would be compromised by holding the public hearing remotely.

town of vail logo

Given the amount of public interest and public comment associated with rezoning hearings previously scheduled for the Tuesday, April 21 Town Council meeting, the Town Manager has determined it would be in the best interest of the public health, safety and welfare to postpone the quasi-judicial public hearings until local and state public health orders allow for in-person meetings to be conducted safety within the Town Council Chambers.

In separate emergency orders, the Town Manager has postponed a public hearing for rezoning of 366 Hanson Ranch Road, Lot 1, 366 Hanson Ranch Road Subdivision as well as a rezoning hearing and Special Development District hearing for 2211 North Frontage Road West, Highline/Doubletree. The emergency orders state that the public hearings on these applications cannot be conducted in a manner that ensures that due process is maintained whereby both the public and the Town Council have adequate opportunity to meaningfully participate in the public hearings.

On March 13, the Town Manager adopted a remote meeting policy while executing an order declaring a local disaster emergency as a means of keeping the public safe while continuing its public business during the COVID-19 public health crisis while following the public health orders issued by Eagle County and the State of Colorado. These virtual meetings take place for Town Council regular and special meetings as well as its regularly scheduled board and commission meetings, including Planning and Environmental Commission, Design Review Board and others. This means no members of staff, Council, the Commission or the public will be present in Council Chambers. The public may, however, participate virtually, and the instructions have been provided to describe the various ways in which the public may participate in virtual public meetings.

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