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Resurfacing project complete on I-70 Vail Pass in Summit County

November 6, 2023, 9:34 am

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) on Monday issued the following press release on the completion of its resurfacing project on Interstate 70 in Summit County on the way up Vail Pass:

The Colorado Department of Transportation has completed the resurfacing project for the eastbound right lane on I-70 Vail Pass from Mile Point 190, west of Copper Mountain, to MP 203, east of Frisco.

Contract partner Elam Construction, of Grand Junction, milled the existing asphalt and paved 2 inches of new hot mix asphalt. The project improved 13 miles of worn out roadway along the I-70 eastbound right lane. The right lane receives more travel, causing faster deterioration of pavement conditions. The new asphalt will extend the life of the highway, provide a smoother road surface and will add durability by increasing the resistance of ruts and road damage.

“The work is part of a larger series of critical pavement repairs in Colorado’s High Country,” CDOT Executive Director Shoshana Lew. “CDOT invested additional funds received earlier in 2023 to address pavement conditions after one of the most intense winters in recent decades damaged some roads beyond what they normally sustain each year.”

Twelve stretches of roadway across the state were identified, including three along or near the I-70 Mountain Corridor. US 40 Berthoud Pass was the largest project to result from this effort. The projects are now under construction or complete.

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