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Opinion: Top 10 epic fails (so far) by Boebert in her short stint in Congress

September 30, 2021, 7:44 am

If Rep. Lauren Boebert has mastered anything about politics it’s how to get attention. Loaded guns on Zoom? Temper tantrums with House security? Articles to “imeach” President Biden? 

Yes, yes and yes.

It’s easy to focus on her antics. They’re egregious by design. With each provocative tweet and mind-numbing speech she rakes in millions of viewers. It keeps her base entertained and her rivals talking about her — a calculated strategy that translates into cold, hard cash.

This means it’s up to Coloradans to hold her to task. If we fall prey to her diversions, we’re pawns in the game. The next time you feel compelled to react to her latest stunt, ask yourself what she’s diverting your attention away from, or if she’s seeking relevance. Then double down on her record, such as these 10 things that she hopes you’ll forget:

Her role in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack

Boebert’s legacy will always be one of sedition. Coloradans must be continually reminded of her role in stoking the lies and violence that led to the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Has not passed a single bill

Since her term began, Boebert has failed to sponsor any successful legislation. In fact, her sponsored work has yet to even pass through a single committee. At best, she’s spent her time tagging her name as a cosponsor to a colleagues’ work, though still nothing has passed the House to date. That’s a six-figure salary of taxpayer dollars to produce literally nothing.

Voted against cancer patients and military families 

Boebert can’t produce legislation, but she sure likes to vote down everyone else’s. On multiple bipartisan efforts, Boebert has repeatedly undermined colleagues and constituents. Among her most shocking offenses were votes to deny funding for the national bone marrow program and against the National Defense Authorization Act, which included pay raises and paid parental leave for service members. Both have significant impacts for Colorado families. 

Zero dollars for local projects

If you live in the 3rd Congressional District, you’re missing out on millions of dollars for better roads and infrastructure. Why? Boebert has outright refused earmarks for local projects.

Broke federal campaign law

Adding to a long rap sheet, Boebert is now under investigation by the Federal Election Commission for breaking federal campaign law. FEC filings show Boebert used campaign funds to pay for personal rent and utilities. This is illegal. She also failed to disclose her husband’s salary of nearly a half million dollars, and has raised eyebrows for personal reimbursements of campaign travel totaling tens of thousands from campaign funds.

Has not introduced a single bill with bipartisan support

If you’re tired of political extremism, Boebert is not for you. In all her personally sponsored bills, she has yet to demonstrate any bipartisan support. In fact, several bills appear so extreme, they have zero cosponsors — and that’s saying something in today’s politics.

AWOL during I-70 mudslides

After extreme mudslides ravaged the Glenwood Canyon section of Interstate 70, Boebert remained curiously silent for quite some time. Apparently she doesn’t fancy responding to district emergencies in a timely fashion as part of her job.

Refuses to be accessible to constituents and press

Helping constituents is the foundation of being an elected official. Boebert on the other hand refuses to hold easily accessible town halls. Instead, she alerts the public a mere few hours before a screened call session, preventing constituents — and press — from reasonably participating.

Risk to responsible gun owners 

Boebert has been caught flouting multiple firearm safety basics, including open carry and safe storage laws. By making gun owners appear dangerous, she is a direct threat to the Second Amendment freedom that she claims to so fervently support.

Refusal to cooperate with meaningful COVID-19 recovery

Science and Boebert are like oil and water — they’re not a good match. Despite hospitals in her district reaching capacity on multiple occasions, Boebert refuses to support COVID-19 vaccines or other preventive measures, giving fodder for conspiratorial campaigns. This led to many unnecessary deaths both in her district and in the state at large.  

Diversion tactics in politics are nothing new, and Coloradans must remain alert. On the bright side, at least now we know exactly what we’re getting with Boebert: a self-absorbed celebrity wannabe, not a public servant.

Editor’s note: This opinion piece first appeared on Colorado Newsline, which is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Colorado Newsline maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Quentin Young for questions: info@coloradonewsline.com. Follow Colorado Newsline on Facebook and Twitter.