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Local businesses prepare for workers’ return

June 29, 2021, 10:51 am
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With a successful vaccination roll out and subsequent easing of restrictions, thousands of Colorado workers will be returning to the office within the next few weeks. In order to provide a safe and welcoming environment for their workers, clients and customers, companies and private business owners have had to make significant adjustments to their policies and operations. A top priority for businesses is now hygiene, whether that involves deep cleaning empty offices or regularly disinfecting hospitality venues, and many workplaces have made permanent changes to room layouts to provide more space for safe social distancing. In Vail Valley, tourist industry bosses are optimistic about this year’s summer and ski seasons and, as well as preparing safe premises, they are adapting increasingly flexible policies to cover cancellations and postponements, and hiring more staff to implement them.

Providing Safe And Hygienic Premises
Business owners are busy preparing offices for the safe return of employees, and re-opening hospitality venues in preparation for the summer. In any industry, clean and hygienic premises are essential in order to keep staff safe and create a good first impression for new and returning customers. Knowing that premises have been thoroughly cleaned is reassuring for both staff and guests, and local government guidelines offer advice to all types of business on routine cleaning and disinfecting, the provision of hand sanitizer and masks, and signage to encourage social distancing.

Enticing Staff Back To Work
Knowing that premises are safe and hygienic might help some of the businesses that are currently struggling to entice staff back into the workplace. Despite many people being out of work, over 90% of restaurants in Colorado are experiencing staff shortages. To attract more people back to work, the Colorado Jumpstart Program has been offering up to $1600 to anyone unemployed who takes up a job for at least eight weeks, an incentive that has been shown to successfully lower unemployment levels. Finding more people willing to come back to work in hospitality is particularly important in the Vail Valley, as the summer season looks set to be busy, with many summer events and festivals that were canceled last year back on the calendar for 2021. 

Adjusting Policies And Protocols
As well as needing more staff for a busy summer season, there will be no shortage of job opportunities, as the Vail Resorts chief plans to take on four times as many customer service operatives in order to deal with refunds and rebates for skiers this year. Businesses have learnt lessons from last year’s season, and are now implementing more flexible operations and cancellation policies in response to the effects of the pandemic on opening times, staff sick leave and the postponement of vacations due to illness. With all these policies in place, businesses are looking forward to a prosperous ski season this winter  

By prioritizing clean premises, the introduction of flexible systems, and increases in staff numbers to implement them safely, businesses in the Vail Valley are ready to welcome back office workers and seasonal guests to their premises.

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