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Improved access to Brush Creek Valley Ranch and Open Space starts Sept. 29

September 28, 2020, 4:27 pm

Eagle County Open Space issued the following press release on improved access to the 1,671-acre Brush Creek Valley Ranch and Open Space beginning Sept. 29:

Eagle County Open Space is welcoming residents and visitors beginning Sept. 29 to the 1,671-acre Brush Creek Valley Ranch and Open Space. Improved access is made possible by a new parking and trailhead area along Brush Creek Road, as well as a new trail connection.

Acquired by Eagle County in 2017, Brush Creek Valley Ranch and Open Space has been open to the public in the southern Salt Creek area, but progress this summer will allow visitors to experience the northern areas of the property, including a trail connection to the Town of Eagle trail systems.

The new “3 Sisters” trail was completed by volunteers from the Vail Valley Mountain Trails Alliance, Hardscrabble Trails Coalition, the International Youth Conservation Corps, and Rocky Mountain Youth Corps. 

Brush Creek Valley Ranch and Open Space is protected by a conservation easement held by the Eagle Valley Land Trust that permanently protects the robust and diverse conservation values of the property. Open Space asks all visitors to familiarize themselves with the following rules and regulations and review all posted signage:

-Brush Creek Valley Ranch and Open Space trails and parking lot are open from sunrise to sunset. No overnight parking or visitation is permitted.
-Pets must be leashed while on the property to minimize potential disturbance to the working agricultural operations and wildlife.
-Equestrians, bikers, and hikers are welcome on the 3 Sisters Trail on the northern portion of the property, whereas hikers and equestrians are welcome to continue to use the Salt Creek trail systems.
-E-Bikes are currently not allowed on the trails.
-Walk and wade fishing access is permitted along Brush Creek via the Salt Creek access as well as at the main trailhead. All anglers must have appropriate licenses from Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW).
-Hunting is not allowed on the property, although hunters with appropriate permits from CPW may access the adjacent public lands via the Brush Creek Valley Ranch and Open Space trail systems.
-Please remain on marked trails, respect the adjacent private property owners, and stay clear of all agricultural operations and livestock.

For more information including volunteer opportunities, hosting educational programming, or to learn more about Eagle County Open Space, please visit https://www.eaglecounty.us/openspace/, follow the department on Facebook and Instagram @ECopenspace, or contact directly at 970-328-8698.

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