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Friday’s Birds of Prey downhill cancelled due to snow, strong winds

December 2, 2022, 7:22 am

The Vail Valley Foundation Friday morning issued the following press release on the cancellation of the Birds of Prey World Cup downhill due to weather:

Due to the present weather situation and strong winds and snowfall together with the forecast for today, the jury together with the Organizing Committee have decided to cancel today’s Men’s Downhill.

The course and venue is closed all day for everyone while the race crew work with snowcats on the hill.

Xfinity Birds of Prey festivities will go an as planned in Beaver Creek Village today, including live music, a visit from Santa and more! Athlete signings will take place throughout the village as well as planned.

Tomorrow’s Downhill is scheduled for 10 a.m., and Sunday’s Super-G is scheduled for 10 a.m. as well.

Snow is expected to continue throughout the weekend, according to Opensnow.com meteorologist Joel Gratz:

“Friday will be a stormy day with intense snow through the early afternoon and very strong winds. On Saturday, we could see more snow moving from south to north through the day and into Saturday night. Sunday will be mostly dry. On Monday and Tuesday, a narrow band of snow could produce sneaky powder. Then more snow could fall on Wednesday and Thursday. That’s a lot of action!”