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Forest Service seeks comments on proposed ECO Trails connection to Minturn

April 24, 2023, 2:13 pm

The U.S. Forest Service recently issued the following press release seeking comments on ECO Trails proposed Eagle Valley Trail connection between Dowd Junction and Minturn:

MINTURN, Colo. (April 19, 2023) – The White River National Forest seeks public comments on the proposed Minturn Segment of the Eagle Valley Trail, which includes two segments totaling 3,000-feet on National Forest System lands. 

ECO Trails is proposing to construct a 10-foot wide, asphalt-paved trail from the current Eagle Valley Trail terminus near Dowd Junction to downtown Minturn. The trail would provide a designated route for bicycles and pedestrians to safely travel to and from Minturn and adjacent communities.

β€œThe full trail proposal covers a 7,000-foot segment, but our decision will only address the sections crossing National Forest System lands,” said Eagle-Holy Cross District Ranger Leanne Veldhuis. 

Once constructed, the Forest Service would issue a long-term special use authorization to Eco Trails for the operation and maintenance of the trail segment crossing National Forest System lands.

Comments will be most helpful if received by May 5, 2023. More information about the project and how to comment is available athttps://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=63966

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