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Eagle County Democrats announce Rally for Reproductive Rights in Edwards on May 14

May 6, 2022, 10:47 am

The Eagle County Democrats on Thursday issued the following notice of a rally for reproductive rights and other individual freedoms in the wake of the Supreme Court’s leaked decision that would overturn nearly 50 years of precedent in the Roe v. Wade decision:

So much has been written this week about the Supreme’s Courts shocking, outrageous plans to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Healthcare decisions are between a women and her doctor. Period. We will not stand idly by as the most extreme on the right try to strip away reproductive liberties. Legalizing forced birth does not stop women from making the heart wrenching decision to terminate a pregnancy, it means women will die from doctors restricted from make life-saving decisions, or by women seeking out unsafe procedures.

Thankfully Colorado just enacted a law that enshrines the right to terminate a pregnancy and to protect reproductive rights as our country faces renewed efforts by conservatives to restrict its access. Still, we need to show our support for the 108 million American women in 27 states that have passed or are likely to pass laws forcing women to carry fetuses to term once Roe is gone. For these women the loss of reproductive rights is entirely too realistic and all too terrifying.

And now that the Republican Party is emboldened by the realization that our Supreme Court is willing to rescind such a critical human right, they’re already scheming how to eliminate public education, and Rep. Mike Braun (R-Indiana) recently said he believes the Supreme Court should NOT have legalized contraception or interracial marriage nationwide.

Please join us Saturday, May 14th at 1:00PM, We will meet on the Northwest “corner” of the main Edwards roundabout at Highway 6 (Well Fargo parking lot). Bring your signs and let’s show our community, our state, and our country that WE WILL NOT GO BACK.

Please spread the word about the rally via social media, invite all your family and friends, and use these hashtags: #BansOffOurBodies #ReproRights

Please commit to attending by clicking the link below. If you can’t attend but still want to support healthcare choices for women, please consider a donation to Planned Parenthood,Emily’s List or the Center for Reproductive Rights.

If Edwards is inconvenient, check the map on the Women’s March website to find or plan a rally near you!

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