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Colorado Avalanche Information Center launches new, user-friendly website

November 3, 2022, 10:43 am

The Colorado Avalanche Information Center on Wednesday issued the following press release on its new website:

The Colorado Avalanche Information Center is launching a new website to help people get current information on avalanche conditions in the Colorado mountains.

“We are very excited to launch a much-needed upgrade of our website, which will make it easier for users to access the avalanche information they need to be safe in the backcountry,” said Ethan Greene, Director of the Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC).

“On the new site, users can find their avalanche forecast using the same approach they use on other internet maps – simply click on the map or type in a place name,” Greene added. “The new site also features dynamic forecast zones, which allow the CAIC to forecast for specific or broad regions based on current avalanche conditions.”

More people die in avalanches in Colorado than in any other state each year. Anyone traveling in backcountry areas of Colorado should check the CAIC’s avalanche forecast when they are planning their trip. People can also find reports from other backcountry travelers, weather data and forecasts, and education programs on the CAIC’s site. 

“It is going to be a great year for winter recreation in Colorado, and we want to make sure everyone gets the information they need to plan a safe and fun trip in our beautiful mountains,” said Greene. “Go to www.colorado.gov/avalanche to get your avalanche forecast and enjoy the new site!”