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Avon seeks community members to serve on Health and Recreation Committee

December 13, 2024, 1:12 pm

The Town of Avon recently issued the following press release seeking community members to join its Health and Recreation Committee:

The Town of Avon is seeking community members to join the Health and Recreation Committee. The committee is comprised of five (5) to nine (9) voting members and two (2) non-voting members. There are currently three (3) voting member vacancies on the committee. Positions are appointed by the Avon Town Council.  

Duties of the volunteer advisory committee include, but are not limited to: 

  • Review, research and study the Town of Avon’s health and recreation, including but not limited to: (1) “healthy community” issues, planning, policies and implementing strategies for improving overall community health; (2) comparisons to both incorporated and unincorporated peer communities with recreation facilities and programs; and (3) the design, programming and estimated cost of recreational facility improvements including, but not limited to, remodeling and expansion of the Avon Recreation Center.
  • Conduct community outreach, studies and surveys to determine community preferences for recreation programming, recreation facilities and healthy community policies.
  • Serve as a liaison to Eagle County healthy communities’ efforts.
  • Provide recommendations to the Avon Town Council concerning healthy community, recreation programming and recreation facilities. 

Interested applicants can learn more about the purpose and duties of the Health and Recreation Committee and review Town of Avon Resolution 24-05 approving the Health and Recreation Committee at www.avon.org. Applications will be accepted through Friday, December 27, 2025 with interviews tentatively scheduled for the Avon Town Council meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2025. A completed Health and Recreation Committee application along with a resume and at least three (3) references, can be emailed to Recreation Director, Michael Labagh at mlabagh@avon.org; dropped off at Avon Town Hall in the secure drop box of the entrance foyer and located at 100 Mikaela Way, Avon; or mailed to P.O. Box 975, Avon, CO, 81620. The Health and Recreation Committee application is also available at the Avon Recreation Center front desk or at www.avon.org.