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Eagle County commissioners to consider two tax questions on Nov. 8 ballot

August 26, 2016, 6:29 am

The Eagle County Board of Commissioners will consider placing two tax questions on the Nov. 8 ballot during their regular meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 30. Topics include the expanded use of existing county open space funds and funding for affordable housing.

eagle county logoThe meeting begins at 10 a.m. Aug. 30 in the Eagle County Room, located at 500 Broadway in Eagle. Ballot tax question discussions are scheduled as the 10th and 11th items on the agenda.  Time for public comment will be provided and all interested community members are encouraged to attend.

As proposed, the open space question would allow county open space funds to be used to construct and maintain paved and unpaved trails without raising the existing 1.5 mill levy tax. The ballot question also asks for bonding authority to complete the Eagle Valley Trail, and extends the current sunset provision by 15 years from 2025 to 2040.

The affordable housing question would create a new .3 percent sales tax to support countywide housing efforts. The tax equates to three cents on every $10 purchase and would generate approximately $5.4 million per year.

Proposed uses of the funds include increasing the number of long-term, affordable rental housing units; acquisition of land for future affordable housing developments; and providing down payment assistance loans to facilitate home ownership. The tax would sunset in 20 years.

The commissioners previously considered asking for an additional tax to support early childhood programs, but decided against going to the voters this year.

Instead, the county will focus on the preliminary actions and recommendations outlined in the Early Childhood Roadmap, a comprehensive plan completed in July through a partnership with Eagle County Schools.

Those who are unable to attend Tuesday’s meeting on the two tax issues may send comments in advance to eagleadmin@eaglecounty.us.

The complete agenda, proposed tax resolutions and ballot questions can be found at www.eaglecounty.us/Commissioners/Commissioner_Meetings/Agendas.

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