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The perfect finishing touches for your Vail Valley home

August 23, 2023, 8:01 am

It is highly likely that your lounge is the best place to be in your home. This is because it provides the perfect setting to relax and unwind and yet still enjoy the beautiful views for you and any guests. 

Of course, if you haven’t got the right features in your room, your relaxation will most certainly be lacking. However, there are ways in which you can get this back with minimal effort on your part.

#1 Obtain the right seating

You should certainly have seating that you can completely relax in and preferably lounge or sprawl across should you feel the need. This means you must think big when purchasing your chairs or couches. 

Alternatively, you could try a comfy bean bag chair that is ideal for relaxing. There is a wide range of bean bag chair sizes to suit every space or need for them, and you could, if you wished, invest in a few different sizes to suit every member of your household.

#2 Install a log burner

Nothing shouts luxury than an open fire, especially when it is snowing, or the weather is miserable outside. If used correctly, a log burner will warm up any space while also having an immensely welcoming visual effect. 

Of course, if you do not want an open fire, there are other kinds of fire available on the market that can provide the feeling of an open fire without the constant need for logs or worry about the odd spark jumping onto your fireside rug and singeing it.

#3 Purchase a large luxurious rug

With your comfy seating and warm fire, you will want a rug that you can sink your feet into and provide you with that soothing feeling. Short thick pile rugs can be just as luxurious as long-haired furry ones; however, you must ensure that it goes in with your furnishings and décor. 

Purchasing one that looks out of place will not be a good move because no matter how you try to relax, you won’t be able to. You should take into account your color scheme, where it will be placed, and its shape. If possible, see, touch, and feel it before purchasing. Many synthetic rugs look amazing but are far from soft to the touch, nor do they feel as luxurious as perhaps they look.

A few final thoughts

No doubt, your home is your retreat, and the only thing that can improve it is the level of relaxation it can provide you with. Getting the look and feel right is the only thing between you and the comfort you deserve. 

For this, you will need to make sure that you have the comfiest seating arrangements to enjoy when you get home and finally get to take your shoes or boots off. Lighting the fire and letting the warm glow wash over you while you sink your toes into the thick warm, welcoming rug and watch the weather happen to everyone else outside.

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