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Eagle County to resume public hearings on June 2

May 27, 2020, 2:29 pm

Eagle County put out the following press release on Wednesday announcing it will resume public hearings and meetings under certain conditions starting June 2:

Eagle County has developed procedures for public meetings and hearings that allow for constituent participation while complying with the county’s current Public Health Order regarding COVID-19. All community members are encouraged to read the entire procedure.

Beginning June 2, Eagle County will resume public hearings on matters before the Board of County Commissioners, as well as public hearings in front of other county boards and commissions on land use files, liquor licenses and other topics. Members of the public will be required to sign up in advance for attendance at all meetings and hearings so that room capacity can be monitored. A sign-up sheet for each individual meeting will be available at www.eaglecounty.us, as well as linked to Board of County Commissioner agendas, Planning Commission agendas, or other meeting agendas as appropriate.

Walk-ins will be accommodated based on room capacity; however, those who have signed up in advance will be given priority. If based on the sign-up form for a particular meeting or hearing, the total number of people is expected to exceed established room capacity, then no members of the public will be permitted to attend the meeting or hearing. In those instances, all public comments will be collected through an electronic form that provides both written and video options.

Regardless of meeting room availability, the county is encouraging all members of the public to use the electronic form to limit in-person interactions. The public comment form for each individual meeting or hearing will be available at www.eaglecounty.us, as well as linked to meeting agendas as appropriate. 

All public meetings and hearings are streamed live at www.ecgtv.com/live and at www.Facebook.com/EagleCounty. They are also aired live and replayed on Eagle County Television, found on channel 18 on cable systems in the Eagle River Valley.

For more information, contact Eagle County Administration at 970-328-8604 or email eagleadmin@eaglecounty.us.

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