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Vail Recreation District offers graduating scholar athlete awards

April 7, 2023, 9:19 am

The Vail Recreation District recently issued the following press release on its the Vail Scholar Athlete Recognition Award College Scholarship program:

Each spring, the Vail Recreation District offers the Vail Scholar Athlete Recognition Award College Scholarship to one male and one female graduating senior for use in the pursuit of higher education. This scholarship is meant to recognize two local students who have excelled both academically and athletically during their high school years.

Applications must be received by May 15, 2023. To fill out an online application, head to www.vailrec.com/scholarship

The Vail Scholar Athlete Recognition Award is a $4,000 scholarship, with $1,000 awarded annually to the recipient for up to four years. The recipient must be enrolled in college for four consecutive years in order to be eligible for the continuation of the award, and must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.5 in their college course of studies. This scholarship is not intended for students taking a gap year – they must be enrolling in a school of higher education in the same year that the scholarship is awarded.

Previous award recipients have gone on to major in fields such as physical therapy, environmental engineering, community health, physics, math and biology at a wide range of colleges and universities around the country.

If you have questions about the scholarship, please call 970-479-2279 or email info@vailrec.com. We look forward to receiving applications from our local youth athletes and scholars!

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