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Town seeking input on Go Vail 2045 Mobility Plan

August 15, 2023, 8:18 am

The Town of Vail recently issued the following press release seeking public input on its proposed transportation plan:

town of vail logo

The Town of Vail is seeking input on proposed transportation improvements in Vail. All interested community members are encouraged to fill out the survey at engagevail.com/govail2045. Responses will be collected until the end of day Sept. 4. 

Go Vail 2045, the Vail Mobility & Transportation Master Plan, is the town’s initiative to integrate all aspects of mobility in Vail into a single plan that will chart a path for how people and goods will move into, out of, and around the community. Concepts and ideas have been developed regarding pedestrian, bicycle, transit and parking opportunities. Community insights collected through the survey will help the project team refine the draft improvements.  

More information is available at www.engagevail.com