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Town seeking community members for Civic Area Task Force

August 8, 2023, 7:21 am

The Town of Vail recently issued the following press release on its need for community members to serve on its new Civic Area Task Force:

town of vail logo

The Town of Vail is seeking community members to serve on its new Civic Area Task Force. Those who wish to serve are asked to submit a letter of interest including a brief biography to Community Development Director Matt Gennett at mgennett@vail.gov no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 15.    

In June, the town issued a Request for Proposals for spatial, architectural floor planning, and economic analysis services to facilitate the relocation of existing town offices and develop programming for future community uses at locations within the Civic Hub and the Town of Vail Public Works site. The work will include creation of conceptual floor plans for programming uses in the most advantageous locations from a visibility perspective regarding town offices, and an economic standpoint for community and commercial uses.    

The role of the task force will be to provide ongoing direction for the project, support staff and the consultant team in developing recommendations to the Vail Town Council and give feedback as scenarios are generated regarding how to redevelop or relocate uses to serve the Vail community for the next 60 years. The task force will meet once every 4 to 6 weeks based on the workflow generated by the selected consultant team.   

The task force will be comprised of seven members including two members of the Vail Town Council, one member of the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC), and four community members at-large. A panel comprised of the aforementioned council and PEC representatives, as well as the town manager, community development director and the town’s owner representative will select the at-large members. 

For more information, contact Matt Gennett at mgennett@vail.gov

Click here for more information

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