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Town of Vail seeks public input on ‘Go Vail 2045, Vail’s Mobility & Transportation Master Plan’

March 20, 2024, 10:00 am

The Town of Vail recently issued the following press release seeking public input on its “Go Vail 2045, Vail’s Mobility & Transportation Master Plan”:

town of vail logo

The Town of Vail is seeking comments on its draft “Go Vail 2045, Vail’s Mobility & Transportation Master Plan” and the 2045 vision for Vail’s transportation system. Community members can comment online at engagevail.com/govail2045 and follow the process at upcoming public meetings: 

Go Vail 2045, Vail’s Mobility & Transportation Master Plan, is the town’s initiative to integrate all aspects of mobility in Vail into a single plan that will chart a path for how people and goods will move into, out of, and around the community. Go Vail 2045 will provide a comprehensive analysis and set of recommendations to improve community connectivity including: meeting travel demand on a variety of transportation modes, efficiently managing deliveries of goods to businesses and residences throughout the community, incorporating emerging transportation technologies into Vail’s policy framework, managing parking demand, and strengthening regional travel opportunities. 

The planning effort began in 2022. The draft master plan considers previous planning documents, analyzes existing transportation patterns, and makes recommendations for a variety of transportation and connectivity components including walking, biking, public transit, parking, traffic speeds, I-70 impacts, loading and delivery, and special event logistics. 

For more information, contact Town Engineer Tom Kassmel at 970-479-2235.