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State limits gatherings due to alarming rise in COVID-19 hospitalizations

October 23, 2020, 1:20 pm

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment on Friday issued the following press release in both English and Spanish on an update to its Safer at Home public health order limiting personal gatherings to no more than 10 people from no more than two separate households.

Eagle County has seen 37 news cases of COVID-19 in the last three days, and the United States set a new daily record with more than 77,000 new cases on Thursday. Please see Friday press releases from the Eagle County commissioners, county public health officials and Eagle County Schools after the state release.

Colorado’s update to its public health order limiting gatherings is due to an “alarming” rise in hospitalizations due to COVID-19. Here’s that release from the CDPHE:

In response to an alarming increase in hospitalizations due to COVID-19, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) today amended its Safer at Home public health order to limit personal gatherings in all counties at all Safer at Home levels. The revised order reduces the size of personal gatherings to no more than 10 people from no more than two separate households. 

Recent case investigation data show that since July attending social gatherings and community exposures have become more common among new cases.  This suggests people have relaxed their precautions and are interacting more closely with a greater number of households.

“We are asking all Coloradans to act with an abundance of caution to reverse these worrying trends. Right now, the virus is spreading when people from multiple households attend gatherings. We need to keep gatherings smaller and with people from fewer households — we are asking everyone to ‘shrink their bubble’ to reduce the spread,” said Jill Hunsaker Ryan, executive director, CDPHE. “Please take every effort to reduce contact with members of other households. If you can work remotely, please do so to reduce contact with other individuals. Taking action now can prevent your loved ones from getting sick, and help us save lives and avoid stricter public health orders in the future.”

Certain counties, like Denver, Arapahoe, Adams, and Boulder, have recently instituted stricter public health orders on gathering sizes. As always, Coloradans living in counties with stricter orders should continue to follow those orders. 

The amended public health order does not apply to counties that are currently at the Protect Our Neighbors level. Local governments in these counties may continue to determine gathering limits as they see fit, but all Coloradans are strongly encouraged to limit gatherings.

In addition to limiting  gatherings and gathering sizes, Coloradans should continue to follow other public health guidance, including wearing a mask in public, washing hands frequently, and keeping physical distance of at least 6 feet from others outside their household. 

Access all public health and executive orders online. 

Continue to stay up to date by visiting covid19.colorado.gov.

Reuniones personales limitadas a diez personas, de no más de dos viviendas

REMOTO, (octubre 23, 2020): En respuesta a un alarmante aumento de las hospitalizaciones debido al COVID-19, el Departamento de Salud Pública y Medio Ambiente de Colorado (CDPHE, por sus siglas en inglés) hoy modificó su orden de salud pública Más Seguros en Casa para limitar las reuniones personales en todos los condados que se encuentran en todos los niveles de Más Seguros en Casa. La orden revisada reduce el tamaño de las reuniones personales a no más de 10 personas de no más de dos viviendas separadas.

Los datos recientes de la investigación de casos muestran que asistir a reuniones sociales se ha vuelto más común entre los nuevos casos. Esto sugiere que las personas han reducido sus precauciones y están interactuando más cercanamente con un mayor número de viviendas.

“Pedimos a todos los habitantes de Colorado que actúen con mucha precaución para revertir estas tendencias preocupantes. En este momento, el virus se está propagando cuando personas de varias viviendas asisten a reuniones. Tenemos que mantener las reuniones más pequeñas y con personas de menos viviendas; estamos pidiendo a todos que ‘reduzcan su círculo ‘ para reducir la propagación”, dijo Jill Hunsaker Ryan, directora ejecutiva del CDPHE. “Por favor, hagan todos los esfuerzos para reducir el contacto con los miembros de otras viviendas. Si pueden trabajar de forma remota, por favor háganlo para reducir el contacto con otras personas. Tomar medidas ahora puede evitar que sus seres queridos se enfermen, y ayudarnos a salvar vidas y evitar órdenes de salud pública más estrictas en el futuro”.

Algunos condados, como Denver, Arapahoe, Adams y Boulder, han instituido recientemente órdenes de salud pública más estrictas en el tamaño de las reuniones. Como siempre, los habitantes de Colorado que viven en condados con órdenes más estrictas deben seguir esas ordenanzas. 

La orden de salud pública modificada no se aplica a los condados que actualmente están en el nivel de Proteger a Nuestros Vecinos. Los gobiernos locales de estos condados pueden seguir determinando los límites para reuniones como consideren necesario, pero se recomienda firmemente a todos los habitantes de Colorado a limitar las reuniones.

Además de limitar las reuniones y el tamaño de ellas, los habitantes de Colorado deben seguir otras directrices de salud pública, como usar un tapabocas en público, lavarse las manos con frecuencia y mantener una distancia física de al menos 6 pies de otras personas fuera de su hogar.

Puede acceder a todas las órdenes ejecutivas y de salud pública en línea.

 Continúe manteniéndose informado visitando covid19.colorado.gov.

Here’s a message from the Eagle County commissioners, sent out Friday after the state announcement:

Halloween is fast approaching and we have received many questions about how to safely go about enjoying the holiday this year. We certainly want our kids to have some fun this October 31, but we do please ask that these safety guidelines are followed:

  • Stay in your own neighborhood.
  • Adults should accompany trick-or-treaters to help them follow precautions.
  • Stay with your household members and avoid mingling with groups from other households.
  • Limit the time you spend at doorways.
  • Whether you’re trick-or-treating or handing out candy, keep your masks on.

For adult gatherings, while we hope you will consider refraining from get-togethers this year given current disease trends, if you do socialize, please remember the following:

  • Outdoor gatherings are generally safer than indoor gatherings.
  • Smaller groups are generally safer than larger groups.
  • Shorter gatherings are generally safer than longer gatherings.
  • It’s safer to gather with people who consistently wear masks, keep physical distance, and follow other prevention recommendations.

And here’s more from Eagle County public health officials:

Disease trends continue to rise nationally, regionally, and locally in Eagle County. Unfortunately for us, this has also brought with it an increase in hospitalizations over the past week. We are moving toward the “high risk” level indicated by the color orange on the state’s COVID dial, while many other counties in Colorado are already there or have surpassed it. A report of our most up-to-date data is available here, while additional data for the State can be found here.

A larger contributor to the increases across the state continues to be private or personal gatherings. As a result, the state orders are being changed to prohibit personal gatherings of more than two different households.

The county will continue to warn against behaviors that lend themselves to increased disease spread, but I also wanted to take time this week to remind our community of the incentives of reversing this trend. Per our new public health order, we are following the state’s risk meter. Whichever phase of the dial we are in carries with it explicit guidance about what can and cannot occur, factors which have a tremendous impact on our friends and neighbors. For example, if Eagle County were to move into the less restrictive blue level, or “cautious” phase, we’d enjoy the following changes:

  • Outdoor events can have 250 people
  • Indoor events can have 175 people
  • Group sports may have a capacity of 50 participants and more spectators could attend
  • Places of worship can have up to 175 people

These are only a few examples, in fact there are 14 categories that would see change. And those become even more relaxed if we enter the green, or “protect our neighbors” phase. These benefits are up to us and our ability to keep up with our good habits. Practicing the five commitments with our friends, families, neighbors will have a good impact on our community.

Keep up the good work, and please keep these mile markers in mind every time you make a personal choice. We Got This!

Finally, here’s Friday’s release from Eagle County Schools:

Dear Families and Staff of Eagle County Schools,

Thank you for your continued collaboration and steadfast commitment to our layers of protection that are so essential to keeping our school environment safe. This week has been a challenging week, as we’ve had to send out multiple notices from many schools announcing positive cases and related quarantining efforts.

The increases we’re experiencing are reflective of increases across the state and nation. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has just released an update to standing Public Health Orders to try and slow down the accelerating rates of transmission. The full order is available here.

The key revision addresses one of the areas contributing most to spread – private/personal gatherings.

The new orders will prohibit gatherings of more than 2 households and no more than 10 people.

In other words, limiting the number of households you gather with at one time. Across the state, and here in Eagle County, it’s been possible for 10 individuals to gather from 10 different households in a single group. For example, a group of friends might gather for dinner and watch a ballgame with members from five families (2 each). If viral transmission happens, it can then be taken home and impact more people.

We wanted to let you know about this important change going into the weekend. When you gather socially, please consider wearing face coverings around members of other households except while eating or drinking. Then, give each other a bit more distance. This can be particularly challenging for children with neighborhood playgroups or larger celebrations – just be mindful of the risks and do the best we can.

Of course, we are all fatigued with restrictions and changing orders, but as your school district, we are also proud and appreciative of the ongoing sacrifices being made to keep the community’s children in school. Our primary goal is to safely keep as many students in school for as long as possible. Please help us rally again to turn back the spread of this virus.


Estimadas familias y personal de las Escuelas del Condado Eagle,

Gracias por su continua colaboración y firme compromiso con nuestros niveles de protección que son tan esenciales para mantener seguro nuestro entorno escolar. Esta semana ha sido una semana desafiante, ya que hemos tenido que enviar múltiples notificaciones de muchas escuelas anunciando casos positivos relacionados con los esfuerzos de cuarentena.

Los aumentos en casos de COVID-19 que estamos experimentando reflejan los aumentos en todo el estado y la nación. El Departamento de Salud Pública y Medio Ambiente de Colorado acaba de publicar una actualización a las Órdenes de Salud Pública actuales para tratar de reducir la aceleración de los índices de transmisión. La orden completa está disponible aquí.

La revisión clave al documento aborda una de las áreas que más contribuyen a la difusión del virus: las reuniones privadas o personales.

Las nuevas órdenes prohibirán las reuniones de más de 2 hogares y no más de 10 personas.

En otras palabras, limitando el número de hogares con los que ustedes se reúnen al mismo tiempo. En todo el estado y aquí en el Condado Eagle, ha sido posible que 10 personas de 10 hogares diferentes se reúnan en un solo grupo. Por ejemplo, un grupo de amigos puede reunirse para cenar y ver un juego de pelota con miembros de cinco familias (2 por familia). Si la transmisión viral ocurre, el virus puede llevarse a casa y afectar a más personas.

Queríamos informarles sobre este importante cambio empezando el fin de semana. Cuando ustedes se reúnen socialmente, por favor consideren usar cubrebocas alrededor de miembros de otros hogares, excepto cuando coman o beban. Y después, dense un poco más de distancia física. Esto puede ser un reto particularmente para los niños y niñas con grupos de juego en la colonia o celebraciones más grandes; solo tengan en cuenta los riesgos y hay que hacer lo mejor que podamos.

Por supuesto, todos estamos fatigados con las restricciones y el cambio de órdenes, pero como su distrito escolar, también estamos orgullosos y agradecidos de los continuos sacrificios que se han hecho para mantener a los niños y niñas de la comunidad en la escuela. Nuestro objetivo principal es mantener de manera segura al mayor número de estudiantes en la escuela durante el mayor tiempo posible. Por favor ayúdenos a solidarizarnos nuevamente para detener la propagación de este virus.

Distrito Escolar del Condado Eagle

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