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Qualman named interim superintendent of Eagle County Schools

February 1, 2019, 10:32 am

Following the surprise “parting of the ways” with former Eagle County Schools Superintendent Dr. Carlos Ramirez on Jan. 23, the school district on Friday announced the appointment of Philip Qualman as Interim Superintendent.

Here’s a letter sent out Friday morning to school district staff and parents (in both English and Spanish):

Dear families and staff of Eagle County Schools,

It is with great excitement that we announce that the Board of Education has unanimously selected Philip Qualman as Interim Superintendent.

Phil Qualman

“For the Interim Superintendent position, we turned to staff members for input and direction,” explained Board of Education President Kate Cocchiarella. “The feedback was in overwhelming support of Phil Qualman.”

Qualman will serve in this position until a permanent Superintendent is hired, currently expected before the start of the next school year.

In his 15 years with Eagle County Schools, Qualman has served as a social studies teacher at Battle Mountain High School before becoming principal at that same school. He most recently served as an Assistant Superintendent, working with Dr. Jason Glass, Dr. Maggie Lopez, and Dr. Carlos Ramirez. He is very familiar with the district’s professional learning culture, its strategic plan, school-based plans, and the initiatives underway across the district.

Please join us in welcoming Mr. Qualman as our Interim Superintendent.

1 de febrero del 2019

Estimadas familias y personal de las Escuelas del Condado Eagle,

Es con una  gran emoción que les anunciamos que la Junta Directiva de Educación ha seleccionado por voto unánime a Philip Qualman como Superintendente Interino.

“Para el puesto de Superintendente Interino, recurrimos a los miembros del personal para obtener información y orientación” explicó la presidenta de la Junta de Educación, Kate Cocchiarella. “Los comentarios recibidos tuvieron un apoyo abrumador para Phil Qualman”.

Qualman se desempeñará en este cargo hasta que se contrate a un Superintendente permanente, que en este momento se espera que sea antes del comienzo del próximo ciclo escolar.

En sus 15 años con las Escuelas del Condado Eagle, Qualman se desempeñó como maestro de estudios sociales en la Preparatoria Battle Mountain antes de convertirse en el director de esta misma escuela. Recientemente se desempeñó como Asistente al Superintendente, trabajando con el Dr. Jason Glass, la Dra. Maggie López y el Dr. Carlos Ramírez.

Por favor únanse a nosotros en darle la bienvenida al Sr. Qualman como nuestro Superintendente Interino.

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