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Nov. 21 Vail Town Council meeting highlights

November 22, 2023, 12:28 pm

This is an unofficial Town of Vail summary of the meeting produced by the Communications Department. To read the official minutes; please click here. Minutes are posted once they are approved.

Council members present: Coggin, Davis, Foley, Langmaid, Mason, Seibert, Staufer


  • Final Meeting for Three Council Members
    • Many thanks and kudos were shared as their peers and the public honored the three outgoing council members: Kevin Foley, Kim Langmaid and Jen Mason.
  • Discussion of Resolution No. 45 and Ordinance No. 26, Update to the Vail Land Use Plan and Rezoning of Lot G, Vail Village, Filing No. 2
    • Council heard a presentation on an update to the Vail Land Use Plan and proposed rezoning of the First Bank property. Currently, the bank is a non-conforming use. A land use plan amendment is required prior to rezoning. Council was supportive of the land use plan amendment but expressed concerns about the appropriateness of the proposed Commercial Core 1 zoning.
  • 2024 Budget
    • The town’s Finance Department gave an update on changes since first reading of the budget. The biggest adjustments are to the Health Insurance Fund which now reflects a decrease in expenditures of $717,000 and a $400,000 decrease in employer contributions mostly due to a change in the town’s health insurance third party administrators; and a 20-year payback of the $5,643,985 transferred from the General Fund to the RETT fund to support the Booth Heights parcel acquisition is now included in the budget. Council confirmed their request that a contribution to the Vail Valley Foundation be delayed until spring, after winter revenues are known. This was the fifth time the budget was discussed by the council and all members are very comfortable and supportive of the plan.

Actions as a Result of Executive Session

  • There were no actions as a result of executive session.

Public Comment 

  • Matt Solomon – Representing Castle Lodge No. 122 gave an update on the annual down valley toy store tradition. He asked for a donation to the cause, which the Town of Avon has committed to matching.
  • Taylor Guardarian – Controls centers, which are the government, can be integrated into society.
  • Tom Vucich – Thanked outgoing council members for their service and the entire council for the civility of their proceedings.
  • Kate Cocchiarella – Thanked the outgoing council members for their hard work and dedication to keeping Vail the mountain paradise that it is.
  • Dave Chapin – Thanked the community for their support during the recent election. He also thanked the outgoing council members for their conviction and for standing by their principles. He also thanked Housing Director George Ruther, who has announced he will be leaving the town soon. Finally, while the speed bumps in the parking garages were done in the best interest of safety, the communication around their installation could’ve been better.
  • Peggy Fuller – Representing Villa Cortina expressed concerns with the rezoning of the First Bank property. Would prefer an Special Development District process.
  • Matthew Wyatt – Representing the Vail Interfaith Chapel questioned whether CCI was the best rezoning option for the First Bank parcel.

Town Manager Report

  • Town Manager Russell Forrest reminded the council that drilling rigs may be seen around as the town conducts geothermal testing.


  • Approved Proclamation No. 13, Colorado Gives Day (7-0)
  • Approved Oct. 3 and Oct. 17, 2023 Town Council Meeting Minutes (7-0)
  • Approved Resolution No. 46, Highway Maintenance Agreement Between the Town of Vail and the Colorado Department of Transportation (7-0)
  • Approved Resolution No. 47, An Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Town of Vail and Eagle County for Animal Control Services (6-1, Foley against)
  • Approved Resolution No. 45, Update to the Vail Land Use Plan Associated with the Rezoning of Lot G, Vail Village, Filing No. 2 (7-0)
  • Approved First Reading of Ord. No. 27, Providing for the Levy Assessment and Collection of Town Ad Valorem Property Taxes Due for the 2023 Tax Year and Payable in the 2024 Fiscal Year (7-0)
  • Approved First Reading of Ord. No. 26, Rezoning Lot G, Vail Village Filing No. 2 from Public Accommodation (PA) to Commercial Core 1 (CC1) (4-3, Foley, Mason and Staufer against)
  • Approved Second Reading of Ord. No. 22, Designating the Zoning of the Proposed Addition to Lot 1, Timber Ridge Subdivision from Undesignated to Housing (H) District (7-0)
  • Approved Second Reading of Ord. No. 24, Adopting the Town’s 2024 Budget (7-0)
  • Approved Second Reading of Ord. No. 25, Banning Expanded Polystyrene To-Go Containers and Cups Per the State’s Plastic Pollution Reduction Act (6-1, Foley against)

Upcoming Town Council Meetings/Activities

  • Vail Town Council Meeting, Dec. 5 – Includes swearing in of new council members
  • Vail Town Council Meeting, Dec. 19


The Vail Town Council meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Join us for public comment at 6 p.m. Public hearing and comment opportunities are also noted on the agendas.

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