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Letter: Yes for education

October 20, 2023, 9:12 am

With two children enrolled in the exceptional Eagle County School District, and so many friends and colleagues who have children in our many schools of choice, I encourage all of us to come together and vote YES on several ballot questions that support the betterment of education. 

Our teachers are a critical part of our local workforce and our ability to maintain community. Please join me with a YES vote on 5A and 5B. Our school district is facing a severe teacher shortage and we need to ensure that Eagle County is a welcoming place for all our teachers by providing a competitive wage and housing they can afford. 5A and 5B can make great strides in thoughtfully and responsibly addressing these needs.

In addition, I encourage a YES vote on Proposition HH and Proposition II. Proposition HH will reduce property tax rates while at the same time freeing up funding for our leaders to make much-needed investments, particularly in education, that will bring us more in line with other states. With Proposition II, we have a clear opportunity to meet commitments made to our community’s parents. Rather than refunding underestimated state nicotine tax to nicotine wholesalers and distributors of nicotine and tobacco products, those dollars would be directed to the preschool programs that they were intended for, and which benefit Colorado’s next generation. 

Tom Boyd


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