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How can Americans help to protect the environment?

September 15, 2023, 10:43 am

In recent decades, there has been a growing realization that climate change is no longer a scientific theory; it is becoming a reality. It seems that extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, droughts, and high temperatures, are becoming more commonplace in modern life. Across the world, the last few summers have resulted in record temperatures taking place, and these seem to be part of a greater pattern rather than freak occurrences. Humankind’s reliance on fossil fuels for energy and to power many forms of transportation has led to a critical situation where global temperatures are predicted to rise above manageable levels. This has the potential to trigger a climate catastrophe and may make life on Earth exceptionally difficult for future generations. However, all Americans can play their part in reducing their carbon footprints and together can help to protect the environment. In this article, some simple ways in which this can be achieved will be discussed. 

Reduce Reliance on Car Usage 

In 2020, there were estimated to be 286.9 million vehicles on American roads. Most of these vehicles will be cars belonging to individuals and families. In addition, the average American household has 1.88 cars. This immense number of vehicles plays a key role in releasing greenhouse gasses from vehicle exhausts that contribute to global warming and climate change. It is worth taking a critical look at the car journeys that are made by you or your family members. Can any of them be replaced with other means of transport (such as by bike, on foot, or by using public transport)? In addition, if you regularly commute to your place of work, do you travel alone, and if so, could you consider carpooling with other colleagues? 

Install Solar Panels 

Many states in America benefit from consistent warm weather and sunshine across the spring, summer, and fall seasons. However, whilst Florida is known as the “sunshine state,” it is actually Arizona that has the most hours of sunshine per year, with a staggering 5,755 hours of sunshine on average (in comparison, Florida has 4,859). Regardless of where you live in America, it can be beneficial to use energy from the sun and convert it into electricity for your home by installing solar panels. A key way to achieve this is by looking for companies that are skilled in solar water heater installation. This can be an ideal solution if you are on a budget, as solar water heaters are economical to buy and install once government tax credits and rebates are considered. A solar water heater will effectively provide hot water for your home, reducing the need to rely on conventional sources of energy. Solar technology is completely green, too, as it does not produce any emissions or by-products when converting the sun’s rays into electricity. In short, this can be a key way to reduce your carbon footprint and help to protect the environment whilst also reducing your monthly energy bills. Search online to find solar panel experts or talk to neighbors who have installed these systems to ask for advice and recommendations on their provider. 

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