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Holy Cross Energy taking member comments on rate changes in writing and at May 24 meeting

May 2, 2023, 11:19 am

Holy Cross Energy (HCE) recently issued the following press release announcing more opportunities for members to submit comments regarding HCE’s proposed electric rate changes that are scheduled to kick in Sept. 1. 

Glenwood Springs, CO, April 28, 2023 – Today, member-owned rural electric cooperative Holy Cross Energy (HCE) announced additional opportunities for members and communities served by HCE to submit comments regarding HCE’s proposed electric rate changes due to take effect on September 1. 

In February 2023, the HCE Board of Directors adopted a multi-year rate strategy that provides a more equitable way to collect the revenue needed to operate the HCE electric grid, and source the electricity supply needed to serve HCE’s 46,000 members and their communities. Even with these changes, HCE rates will remain in the lower third of all Colorado electric utilities.

The proposed electric rate changes increase the monthly membership charge to address cost increases for billing, collections, member services, and community programs. The changes also expand the existing demand charge to all HCE members regardless of size, while focusing it only on the hours between 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. each day when energy and capacity costs are the highest.

A new per-kilowatt hour delivery charge is also proposed to equitably recover the costs of operation and maintenance of the HCE electric grid, and the per-kilowatt hour energy charge is reduced substantially to reflect only the cost of the energy itself, sourced from a mix of local and regional energy resources.

HCE will hold a public comment session during their monthly Board of Directors meeting beginning at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24, to provide an additional venue for the HCE Board to listen to feedback related to the proposed rate changes. This meeting will have an in-person option at HCE’s Glenwood Springs headquarters, a virtual option, and will be recorded for later viewing. To sign up for the public comment session, members can RSVP at  www.holycross.com/board-meeting

HCE has also extended the deadline to submit written comments through their website from April 30 to May 15. All comments received by that date will be compiled and presented to the Board of Directors at their meeting on May 24. 

For more information on the proposed rate changes and to submit comments regarding the changes to HCE’s Board of Directors, members can visitwww.holycross.com/rates.

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