Landing the Helicopter: Giving your child healthy space in and out of school

The principal for an all boys school in Little Rock, Arkansas, recently displayed this sign in the lobby of their school to help parents learn to give their children independence.
An Eat Chat Parent session called “Landing the Helicopter: Giving your child healthy space in and out of school” will take place from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 22, at Eagle Valley Middle School.
The idea for the session was recommended to the Eagle River Youth Coalition by teachers and coaches who have seen a trend in parenting that robs kids of their independence.
The Youth Coalition has gathered an expert panel to help you navigate this tricky road of recognizing when to pull back for your child’s benefit, whether it involves forgotten homework or speaking to a coach about amount of playing time.
All parents want the best for their kids, but over advocating can lead to a pattern of your child looking constantly to you, the parent, to solve their problem. This does not foster independence and shows up later in the child’s adult life, where they will struggle with how to tackle tough issues and problem solve.
To prepare you for participating in this important discussion we’ve collected some recent articles about the topic:
–, September 19, 2016
Kelly Wallace, CNN, August 19, 2016
Caitlin Flanagan that appeared in The Atlantic, September 2016
Panelists for this Eat Chat Parent session include Catherine Jarnot, Principal Eagle Valley Middle School, Elizabeth Cooney, 4th Grade Teacher at Edwards Elementary, and Bob Bandoni, Executive Director,
Shoulder to Shoulder.
Please visit the
ERYC website Parenting Efforts page to see the flyer for this event and learn more about Eat Chat Parent, including our supporters of this wonderful community program that offers conversation on real deal issues.
RSVP to ERYC Program Director Jason Peck at or call 949-9250 if you have questions.
For more on parenting styles, included helicopter parenting, check out this article on
The Babble Out.