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Eagle County starts pre-registering residents 50 and up for COVID-19 vaccine

March 15, 2021, 10:39 am

Eagle County on Monday issued the following press release on pre-registering COVID-19 vaccine recipients in the state’s new 1B.4 phase, which includes residents 50 and up:

 In preparation for the state’s move to phase 1B.4 of its COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan, Eagle County Public Health & Environment is offering pre-registration for additional employees and residents who are expected to be eligible by March 19.

The upcoming group will include people aged 50 years and older; people aged 16 to 49 with one high risk health condition; restaurant, manufacturing, mail delivery, public transit and frontline human service workers; secondary educators; faith leaders; and continuity of local government. Those who wish to pre-register should verify their eligibility and then sign up at www.eaglecountycovid.org.

Once registered, no further action is required. Vaccine supply is still limited, so if the number of sign-ups exceeds the available amount of vaccine doses, appointments will be issued based on a random drawing among those who are eligible. Those who are selected to receive a vaccination will be contacted using text messaging or the email address they provided to schedule an appointment.

“This will be a large group of eligibility,” said Heath Harmon, Director of Eagle County Public Health and Environment. “It will take several weeks to get through, which is heavily dependent on vaccine supply. Please be patient while waiting for your turn as it can take a few weeks after your registration.”

In addition, those receiving the vaccine will be asked to attest they are eligible and will be available for both doses if needed. Appointments are required; anyone who shows up at a clinic without an appointment will not receive a vaccine. 

People in previous phases who have not yet received the vaccine are still eligible and encouraged to register if they have not done so already. State public health officials expect vaccine supply to increase significantly by mid-April. A larger vaccine supply will provide the ability to begin vaccinating the general public, which should start on or before May 1 according to President Biden’s public address on Mar 11.

Those who receive their vaccine are reminded of the importance of continuing to follow the 5 Commitments of Containment for the health and safety of the entire community.

Local information on COVID-19, including the vaccine rollout, is regularly updated at www.eaglecountycovid.org


El Condado de Eagle se prepara para vacunar a nuevos grupos 

12 de marzo del 2021 – En preparación para la transición del estado hacia la fase 1B.4 de su plan de distribución de la vacuna contra el COVID-19, Salud Pública y Medio Ambiente del Condado de Eagle está abriendo las preinscripciones para empleados y residentes adicionales quienes se espera serán elegibles el 19 de marzo.

El próximo grupo incluirá a personas de 50 años o más; personas de 16 a 49 años con una condición de salud de alto riesgo; trabajadores de restaurantes, manufactura, reparto de correo, transporte público y servicios humanos de primera línea; educadores secundarios; líderes religiosos; y la prolongación del gobierno local. Aquellos que deseen preinscribirse deben verificar su elegibilidad y luego registrarse en www.eaglecountycovid.org.

Una vez inscrito, no se requiere ninguna otra acción por su parte. El suministro de vacunas aún es limitado, por lo que si el número de inscripciones excede la cantidad disponible de dosis de vacunas, las citas se emitirán en base a un sorteo aleatorio entre aquellos que son elegibles. Aquellos que sean seleccionados para recibir una vacuna serán contactados mediante mensajes de texto o la dirección de correo electrónico que proporcionaron para programar una cita.

“Este será un grupo grande de elegibilidad”, dijo Heath Harmon, Director de Salud Pública y Medio Ambiente del Condado de Eagle. “Se necesitarán varias semanas para lograrlo, lo que depende en gran medida del suministro de vacunas. Tenga paciencia mientras espera su turno, ya que pueden pasar algunas semanas después de su inscripción”.

Además, a los que reciban la vacuna se les pedirá que certifiquen que son elegibles y que estarán disponibles para ambas dosis de ser necesario. Las citas son requeridas; las persona que se presenten a una clínica sin cita no recibirán una vacuna.

Las personas de fases anteriores que aún no han recibido la vacuna siguen siendo elegibles y los animamos a registrarse si aún no lo han hecho. Los funcionarios estatales de salud pública esperan que el suministro de vacunas aumente significativamente a mediados de abril. Un mayor suministro de vacunas brindará la posibilidad de comenzar a vacunar al público en general, lo cual debería iniciar el 1 de mayo o antes, según el discurso público del presidente Biden el 11 de marzo.

Recordamos a quienes reciban su vacuna sobre la importancia de seguir cumpliendo los 5 Compromisos de Contención para proteger la salud y seguridad de toda la comunidad.

La información local sobre el COVID-19, incluida la distribución de la vacuna, se actualiza periódicamente en www.eaglecountycovid.org

One Response to Eagle County starts pre-registering residents 50 and up for COVID-19 vaccine

  1. Jim Matthews

    March 20, 2021 at 8:28 am

    It’s getting pretty bad around here. We are now seeing community transmission at a high rate far higher than it was one year ago. I tried to get tested last week and it took over an hour to get ahold of someone that could get me registered to be tested. The phone calls said to go to their website and create an account to schedule a testing but the website was not functioning properly and was running so slow that it took hours to get registered to schedule an appointment. I have a feeling the fubar site is functioning like it is to discourage people from getting tested. It was frustrating trying to get ahold of someone that could get me on the list to be tested. After calling four different numbers I was finally able to get in contact with someone that could get me scheduled. When I told them the website wasn’t working they said yes it is full of bugs and runs so slow that it is unusable and I was lucky to get in contact with him. Vail Health farmed it out to a third party contractor and there is no accountability for the mess they’ve created. Let’s not forget it was one single case that brought community spread to this area and we now have about twenty new cases a day and that number might be much higher considering what a hassle it is trying to get tested. Many people probably say forget it and give up on trying to get scheduled on that useless website. We now have 22 dead in Eagle county and the Vail daily isn’t even reporting on the latest lives that have been lost. They also removed that chart from the front page that showed how poorly Eagle county was doing in comparison to our adjacent neighboring counties. One thing I’ve learned from this is how the leaders of this county are more concerned with tax revenue than they are with protecting the lives of the residents that live here. Greed has destroyed the quality of life in this area.