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CDOT seeks input on Vail Pass Rest Area Replacement Project

February 12, 2021, 9:58 am

The town of Vail and the Colorado Department of Transportation this week issued the following press release on the Interstate 70 Vail Pass Rest Area:

The Interstate 70 Vail Pass Rest Area serves a growing number of motorists, commercial operators, recreationalists and local travelers. After years of heavy use, the Vail Pass Rest Area facility is inadequate and no longer meets the needs of its users.

To better serve customers, the Colorado Department of Transportation is in the design phase of the Vail Pass Rest Area Replacement Project. The purpose of the project is to increase restroom user capacity, update the existing drinking water treatment system, increase parking capacity for all users, improve traffic circulation, accessibility and safety. Improvements will include better connectivity with nearby popular recreation opportunities.

CDOT invites the public to view and submit feedback on the proposed alternatives and review process. Please see further below for background information and goals for the project.

WHAT: Virtual public engagement period gathering feedback and questions. A PDF presentation of the proposed alternatives and review process of the Vail Pass Rest Area Replacement Project is available for viewing. Comments and questions can be submitted via survey. Additional options for submitting feedback are detailed below.

WHEN: Comments will be received until Saturday, Feb. 20.

WHERE: Virtual public engagement page on the Vail Pass Replacement Rest Area website: https://www.codot.gov/projects/vailpassrestareastudy/vail-pass-rest-area-replacement-public-engagement

Due to current limitations on public events during the pandemic, CDOT is providing virtual opportunities for public engagement. Information about this study is shared and updated on the Vail Pass Rest Area Replacement Project website.

All methods of communication will alert the public and stakeholders to the opportunity to review the replacement project and how to submit feedback. CDOT will document, record and review comments. Comments will be considered in the final design. CDOT encourages public input on all projects. In addition to the survey, feedback can be submitted by email and phone to Team Representative Hope Wright at hope.wright@state.co.us and 720-237-6173. Members of the public without internet access can request a copy of the presentation by calling 720-237-6173.

Rest areas are an important asset to the traveling public and have a direct impact on the economic vitality of our state. At the direction of the Colorado Transportation Commission, a statewide rest area study was completed in 2016 to establish a framework to assess and identify rest areas that were in need of improvements. In January 2019, the rest areas were assigned a letter grade based on a set of criteria and the Vail Pass Rest Area was determined to need significant repair.

The purpose of the Vail Pass Rest Area Replacement Project is to improve the existing rest area facilities to increase restroom user capacity, update the existing drinking water treatment system in accordance with health department criteria, increase parking capacity for all users and improve traffic circulation, accessibility, safety and connectivity at the site. Connectivity will include better access to winter groomed trails and the Vail Pass recreation path. Project improvements will also address winter maintenance operational issues and increase capacity for maintenance equipment storage and snow storage on site.

More information is available at: 

One Response to CDOT seeks input on Vail Pass Rest Area Replacement Project

  1. Frugal Dave Reply

    February 15, 2021 at 4:44 am

    It’s fine the way it is. Return the wasted money to the taxpayers.

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