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Six everyday sustainable technology tips

October 10, 2023, 12:01 pm

Most of us are addicted to our technology. Research suggests that over 90% of the US population own a smartphone or other smart device, and we’re constantly on the lookout for the next upgrade. However, unfortunately, technology can have an enormous impact on the environment. 

While this may be the case, this doesn’t mean we should stop using technology altogether. There are some simple things we can do to be more sustainable with technology. To find out what they are, keep reading below:

1.     Change to Fiber Broadband

Full fiber broadband has a role to play in a more sustainable future. Unlike the copper cables we have used for years, full fiber broadband uses fiber optic cables to bring the internet directly into businesses and homes. Fiber optic cables are made of glass created from silicon – a commonly found natural element. While copper mining is linked to land degradation and pollution, silicone is extracted more sustainably. 

And being more sustainable isn’t the only benefit of choosing fiber broadband. It is also considered much faster than regular broadband. In fact, some companies even guarantee their customers 1 gig internet. This is super-fast compared to regular broadband. 

2.     Turn off Devices When Not in Use

This has to be one of the most straightforward tips on our list, as well as one of the best. Turning off your devices when not in use can significantly reduce energy consumption. Even leaving your devices in standby mode uses energy. According to the Department of Energy, technology left in standby mode accounts for approximately 10% of a household’s energy use. 

3.     Purchase Rechargeable Batteries

Disposable batteries are convenient, but they are also damaging to the environment. They contain harmful chemicals such as lead, cadmium, and mercury, which can leak into the water and soil if not disposed of properly. For this reason, it is much better to purchase rechargeable batteries. And that’s not the only benefit of rechargeable batteries; while these batteries may be more expensive to purchase initially, they can help save you money over time. 

4.     Swap to Energy-Efficient Devices 

When you’re ready to upgrade your technology, swapping to more energy-efficient alternatives is a great idea. There are some excellent devices out there that have an Energy Star rating or EPEAT certificate, including things like televisions, computers, scanners, printers, and lighting products. 

5.     Choose Refurbished Devices 

Another brilliant way to reduce your environmental impact is by buying refurbished devices. Refurbished devices are devices that have had a previous owner but have been restored to their original condition. These devices can save you a significant amount of money and help reduce the demand for brand-new devices, which can save the environment. 

6.     Recycle Your Old Devices

If you’ve decided to upgrade to a new device, don’t throw your old ones away; recycle them. Although you may not need these devices anymore, someone else might be grateful for them. Not only that, but it’s also much more sustainable. 

However, before passing your old devices onto someone else, it’s essential to ensure you delete all of your data off your device. After all, you don’t want your data and information falling into the wrong hands. 

If, like most of us, you love technology but want to reduce your environmental impact, follow the tips above. 

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